he Premier League's stadiums will reopen on December 3rd

One of the major novelties of the Covid Winter Plan, a 56-page document presented today by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, is that England will reopen football stadiums on December 3rd. The three levels into which the country is divided by the number of virus infections will determine access to the facilities.

Photo: thesportster

Johnson stated that they would have to grit their teeth until next spring, but they were starting to see the light, said Johnson. They had to wait for vaccines to distribute and the impacts of the recent measures to take effect before returning to normal. 

The current lockdown, in which pubs, restaurants, bars, cafes, and various types of shops have been closed since November 5th, will end on December 2nd. Gyms and sports centers will be able to reopen on March 3rd. Indoor sports are also permitted, but only following the three-level system. More specifically, at the highest level, physical activity must be within the family.

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